My initial title idea was "Diva Dunce vs Courageous C..." but I don't know if it is my place to desensitize that word. I know Motherf#c<@r can be a term of endearment, and I think the C-Word could be made that. Or you could claim I'm using the Washington NFL franchise argument. My rebuttal would be, I'm not calling them Pinkskins.
I've been able to stay busy enough of late that I haven't come up with new methods to drum up interest to produce my screenplay "Main Event of the Dead," an ode to zombies, the lesser levels of indie wrestlers, and exploring the lack of differences between Kurt Russell and Jeff Bridges.
I think that tag line is golden, but without feedback, how can I be certain? Let me know at
Last week's blog (Heidi Lovelace vs. Matt Cage 3--and a Podcast Pitch) actually garnered some attention. I suppose if I want to maintain interest in this blog (vicariously, my script), the focus should be on the same topic: pro wrestling. This isn't necessarily a fun topic for me to over think because the SPORT is something I already devote too much of my mental faculties to, but showing that I have some wisdom (or at least a lot of knowledge I can misplace) should serve as an implication that I know enough to do half of my screenplay's premise justice.
Too bad that this week is burned out on wrestling talk in general with Summer Slam and the blow off Raw. Every one seems to be awe of a pretty solid card from Sunday. I only caught the end of Raw, but did I need to see anything else from the show? Why should I expect two nights of solid booking...or fuel the ratings for a bullshit Diva feud?
And when is Paige going to start the "Anti-Diva" gimmick on WWE's broadcast TV? I suppose we need to wait for the total abandonment of the AJ Lee angle. It does make me wonder if Vince McMahon actually watches NXT because of the recent abandonment of all the gimmicks of late. Or is NXT solely for Orlando marks who can't stand Dixie Carter? Thus, McMahon thinks it isn't the WWE crowd that watches NXT. Still, how can VKM not Bo-lieve in his method to totally brainwash those who cannot remember January 23, 1984?
I stated last week, I hate being a slave to transitions, but assumption shouldn't replace them. The AJ/Paige issues are not cow patties. Sometimes I even amaze myself, I'm claiming on FIRSTIES for properly assigning gender assignment to bovine excrement to describe a "Total Divas" feud.
Would Bret vs. Owen work if they were identical twins? I've had my wrestling mentor state that Diva wrestling will not work without being overly sexualized. Sable, Sunny, Torrie Wilson, Dawn Marie, Diva Search, etc.
Again, I have to be careful with assumption. AJ/Paige, the NXT girls not on E!, and the women on the indies--those performers are wrestlers, not Divas. It's a shame that women wrestlers have not been given a chance to headline on the grandest weekly stage (I'm not going to give them Wrestlemania until the experiment it performed).
We don't know that their great wrestling will not draw, but we do know that SEXY chicks cat fighting is bank. It was tried successfully. What do the Divas do except put over an executive or maintain male dominance? They don't wrestle and they don't cat fight, and they aren't tempting us with Playboy pictorials.
So, I thought I was just rambling. I had no clue on how to explain why I skipped Raw this week. Thanks for the drunks I had to devote time to picking up from Erin Feis to give me time to compose my thoughts.
I skipped Monday night wrestling to see "The Expendables 3." It was a good flick, perhaps a more intriguing story than the prior films, but not enough use of the established actors. And PG doesn't work with over the top action. So, my Monday viewing was a lateral move.
The point is, one of the new stars was Rhonda Rousey. I'll just make the open challenge to her now. She doesn't have an ounce of bushido, so I'd like a chance to show her a warrior's spirit. She talks a big game as long as Cyborg isn't signed. But she's talked herself to headline cards, and the fights sell.
So if there is a female fighter who draws money with no softcore innuendo, surely women's wrestling can draw.
Vince cannot make movie storytelling work, so why not try mixed martial arts methods? Or read my previous blog (Heidi Lovelace vs. Matt Cage 3--and a Podcast Pitch) supporting inter-gender bouts. Surely he can make that look better than a Rousey punch. Perhaps he can use the match I proposed. Rumbling Russ versus Rowdy Rhonda.
Bonus Rationalization: Another Lesson from Lovelace vs. Cage
This match needed to end with Heidi Lovelace proving she was the better combatant. It is like the end of "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" when Luke Skywalker freaks out and beats the hell out of Darth Vader. Luke was defeated once, is emotionally wrecked, but overcomes to be the last Jedi standing. This was repeated in the end of the prequel trilogy with Anakin vs Dooku, but who cared about little orphan Anni.
Now, I think I've figured out the flaw of "Episodes I-III." There was no Has Solo character. We could all relate to Luke's struggles, but we all wanted to be was Han Solo. We all wanted to be cool, arrogant, and callous, but totally redeemable.
Rationalization 63: Han Solo is "Pretty Woman"
And Van Damme's best character was Chance Beaudreaux, the vagrant who could kick butt and seemed to know if he could do that, who needs a real job? Followed by "Bloodsport's" Frank Dux who was very zen, but a rebel who was good at video games and knew some parlor tricks to get the girl.
We all strive to be that hooker with a heart of gold. You can call it protecting the witness during a New Orleans or smuggling two passenger and a pair of droids. No questions asked.
Blogs about Pro Wrestling and blogs that show the artistic impact of "No Holds Barred," the film from 1989 that was supposed to transcend Wrestlemania III.
WARNING: Blogs may also feature cool tumbler post Russ has shared. Visit the original Tumblr for Rip 'Em System.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
No Holds Barred: Vince McMahon’s Mein Kampf
The title and content of this blog is satirical. I do not believe there is any evidence to suggest that the McMahon family or WWE Inc. (whom I am a single stock holder in) has any intentions to rule the Eastern Hemisphere or to encourage antisemitic sentiment.
Then again, there was the the rechristening of Colt Cabana as Scotty Goldman (a racist slur according to El Generico on “The Art of Wrestling: Episode 107”). Using the term rechristen seems wrong, don’t it? Also, Cabana did not deny Brendon Burns’s interesting description of the Goldman gimmick on AOW 210.
“No Holds Barred” is a film I have seen on two occurrences. The first being the weekend prior to “Wrestlemania VIII,” a weekend that also featured an airing of Hulk Hogan’s greatest wrestling matches. This may imply that Vince McMahon may have held the cable television premier of this feature until Hogan’s first farewell to the company, as a way of saying, “this is how promising you can be away from Stamford, so be ready for Las Vegas next April.”
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Road House of the Dead: A Call for More Zombies and More Women in Wrestling
I am surprised by my state of mind going into this blog. There was so much real world stuff going on, it kept me out of my head. This is interesting because I have been in touch with my inner Ambrose (a bit of Bierce, a little bit Dean), having the feeling I am one of the few good people in a world of bad ones.
WWE should play on this and make Dean Ambrose an editorialist in the vein of Jim Cornette. This will make sure I keep watching "Raw" on Hulu. Advertise that it will run after the "Total Divas" match, and satisfy the bitter indie guys who want to see another job filled that the Louisville Slugger wants us to remember was his. If that is too much for Ambrose, there's always Colt Cabana. Okay, Scotty Goldman. Jim Cornette's pre-WWE stories are amusing enough, I do not want to bury him that much.
If fantasy booking makes sense, should it be fantasy? From "Main Event of the Dead: The Podcast," this may be the case, if you pull up my college transcripts. In my defense, the transcripts do make sense. I failed logic, hence I failed calculus, and in turn, failed data structures. If you're not going to give me any feedback on how to make "Main Event of the Dead Project" more than a screenplay about socially-insensitive zombies versus $20< wrestling talent, maybe you can offer me some leads on programming jobs that just need the software to work, not optimized. As long as there are companies still using Windows XP, this must be an actual programming standard.
After listening to Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier's "Road House" commentary track, I know that they could use a wrestling podcast. Because failing to mention Terry Funk until the finale, and suggest his career peaked at defeating Norman Smiley for the WCW Hardcore Championship is absurd. If the Nerdist has his wrestling nerd, Smodcast needs the ideal one, "Main Event of the Dead."
Do you not hate it when your hilarious tangents seem to trump the initial message? I curse seeing Jimmy Pardo last night in preventing me from going on about: How many Facebook friends do I still need to unfollow for their "I came from the middle class, so I'm better than you attitude?" Thank the gods they come from a town where all there is to do is drink, so they can't become CM Pop Punks. On the flip side, if they sober up they maybe able to see the plight of making less that $10.10 per hour. At least philosophy wise, I may have company until I pop the cap off a Strongbow. Winning never seems to be in the cards (why I play craps and roulette) but at least I keep my wrestling cred with my cider choice.
I shouldn't complain too much of how busy the "grown up" world makes me feel. When you seem to have had fun, why bitch about it? Because the girl you took out the previous night, whom you been chatting with daily is now giving you the silent treatment the following day--I mean the inevitability that, "Nobody loves me, nobody cares, and when I die, there won't be nobody there...Fuck the world I will deny you." Or complain about lesser wrestling fans with podcast.
Actually, all I can complain about the "Wrestling Compadres Slamcast" was there continual use of their sound board. They had some great guests, but it didn't feel like they talked much about commercial wrestling. Granted, this week sounded like aside from The Rock and Ambrose, their was not much that was missed.
I would like to note that I think the Russian flag stunt backlash maybe legit, or at least should be. Russian-Americans didn't care about desecration of the Soviet flag because they left the Russia that "advised" them to be Soviets. Now that their culture is restored and acting like the Republican Party, you cannot pee on a culture we may not understand...or want to obliterate (Randy the Ram and Hulk Hogan were cooler than Captain Insano anyhow). And I think WWE's reaction, no matter how much seriousness it lacks, may be legit since they cut the incident out from the Hulu broadcast of Raw.
Okay, you can call bullshit since I believe "Survivor Series 1997" was a work. As I learned from Danny Daniels, everything in wrestling is a lie, what hurts us, what we say, what we get paid.
Still. I think we only cheer on political incorrectness because it is a pain in the ass to care about people's legitimate sensitivities (political views aren't if my right wing readers wanna bitch about me). That is why we have stereotypes. I am hoping The Big Show gets the potatoes he was asking for. Or would Rusev and Lana call them beats?
As for "Cheap Heat," they, Peter Rosenberg, just seemed to want the put the podcast in the can. They did choose to address the concept of inter-gender wrestling, and said if it was someone with a Chyna like presence. Rosenberg also said that mascot wrestling was as good as Cruiserweight and Diva matches. And this guy claims to be catching up on the Monday Night Wars.
He may have meant it to insult the current WWE product. I'll have to refer to his media expertise if he is approaching the poor quality in that fashion, but to me it seems he doesn't understand storytelling when Daniel Bryan defeats three (what MMA would call) super heavyweight in one night. If your Divas can't compete with Paige, Natalia, and A.J. Lee, and you will not pull up the NXT girls, put them with guys who can showcase their talents.
Like All American Wrestling does.
AAW's Jawbreaker is Friday night in Berwyn, Illinois. It opens Shimmer Weekend, something that I think deserves a little more attention than Reality of Wrestling @WreslingBuds (unless the cost for coverage is losing Stevie Ray...and to RAW's credit they did a lot for Breast Cancer Awareness this month) because it is the premier showcase of what women can do. AAW will cover the inter-gender matches to make sure all of what women have to offer is represented.
Also, this is my last chance to post my review of their previous show Defining Moment.
WWE should play on this and make Dean Ambrose an editorialist in the vein of Jim Cornette. This will make sure I keep watching "Raw" on Hulu. Advertise that it will run after the "Total Divas" match, and satisfy the bitter indie guys who want to see another job filled that the Louisville Slugger wants us to remember was his. If that is too much for Ambrose, there's always Colt Cabana. Okay, Scotty Goldman. Jim Cornette's pre-WWE stories are amusing enough, I do not want to bury him that much.
If fantasy booking makes sense, should it be fantasy? From "Main Event of the Dead: The Podcast," this may be the case, if you pull up my college transcripts. In my defense, the transcripts do make sense. I failed logic, hence I failed calculus, and in turn, failed data structures. If you're not going to give me any feedback on how to make "Main Event of the Dead Project" more than a screenplay about socially-insensitive zombies versus $20< wrestling talent, maybe you can offer me some leads on programming jobs that just need the software to work, not optimized. As long as there are companies still using Windows XP, this must be an actual programming standard.
After listening to Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier's "Road House" commentary track, I know that they could use a wrestling podcast. Because failing to mention Terry Funk until the finale, and suggest his career peaked at defeating Norman Smiley for the WCW Hardcore Championship is absurd. If the Nerdist has his wrestling nerd, Smodcast needs the ideal one, "Main Event of the Dead."
Do you not hate it when your hilarious tangents seem to trump the initial message? I curse seeing Jimmy Pardo last night in preventing me from going on about: How many Facebook friends do I still need to unfollow for their "I came from the middle class, so I'm better than you attitude?" Thank the gods they come from a town where all there is to do is drink, so they can't become CM Pop Punks. On the flip side, if they sober up they maybe able to see the plight of making less that $10.10 per hour. At least philosophy wise, I may have company until I pop the cap off a Strongbow. Winning never seems to be in the cards (why I play craps and roulette) but at least I keep my wrestling cred with my cider choice.
I shouldn't complain too much of how busy the "grown up" world makes me feel. When you seem to have had fun, why bitch about it? Because the girl you took out the previous night, whom you been chatting with daily is now giving you the silent treatment the following day--I mean the inevitability that, "Nobody loves me, nobody cares, and when I die, there won't be nobody there...Fuck the world I will deny you." Or complain about lesser wrestling fans with podcast.
Actually, all I can complain about the "Wrestling Compadres Slamcast" was there continual use of their sound board. They had some great guests, but it didn't feel like they talked much about commercial wrestling. Granted, this week sounded like aside from The Rock and Ambrose, their was not much that was missed.
I would like to note that I think the Russian flag stunt backlash maybe legit, or at least should be. Russian-Americans didn't care about desecration of the Soviet flag because they left the Russia that "advised" them to be Soviets. Now that their culture is restored and acting like the Republican Party, you cannot pee on a culture we may not understand...or want to obliterate (Randy the Ram and Hulk Hogan were cooler than Captain Insano anyhow). And I think WWE's reaction, no matter how much seriousness it lacks, may be legit since they cut the incident out from the Hulu broadcast of Raw.
Okay, you can call bullshit since I believe "Survivor Series 1997" was a work. As I learned from Danny Daniels, everything in wrestling is a lie, what hurts us, what we say, what we get paid.
Still. I think we only cheer on political incorrectness because it is a pain in the ass to care about people's legitimate sensitivities (political views aren't if my right wing readers wanna bitch about me). That is why we have stereotypes. I am hoping The Big Show gets the potatoes he was asking for. Or would Rusev and Lana call them beats?
As for "Cheap Heat," they, Peter Rosenberg, just seemed to want the put the podcast in the can. They did choose to address the concept of inter-gender wrestling, and said if it was someone with a Chyna like presence. Rosenberg also said that mascot wrestling was as good as Cruiserweight and Diva matches. And this guy claims to be catching up on the Monday Night Wars.
He may have meant it to insult the current WWE product. I'll have to refer to his media expertise if he is approaching the poor quality in that fashion, but to me it seems he doesn't understand storytelling when Daniel Bryan defeats three (what MMA would call) super heavyweight in one night. If your Divas can't compete with Paige, Natalia, and A.J. Lee, and you will not pull up the NXT girls, put them with guys who can showcase their talents.
Like All American Wrestling does.
AAW's Jawbreaker is Friday night in Berwyn, Illinois. It opens Shimmer Weekend, something that I think deserves a little more attention than Reality of Wrestling @WreslingBuds (unless the cost for coverage is losing Stevie Ray...and to RAW's credit they did a lot for Breast Cancer Awareness this month) because it is the premier showcase of what women can do. AAW will cover the inter-gender matches to make sure all of what women have to offer is represented.
Also, this is my last chance to post my review of their previous show Defining Moment.
Heidi Lovelace versus Davey Vega:
Heidi Lovelace needs to work on her shine move set in inter-gender matches. The beauty of her bout with Matt Cage was that Cage never allowed her to wrestle like a heavyweight. Unless a woman is a submission expert, I think against any kind of man, they have to wrestle a cruiserweight style.
Heidi Lovelace needs to work on her shine move set in inter-gender matches. The beauty of her bout with Matt Cage was that Cage never allowed her to wrestle like a heavyweight. Unless a woman is a submission expert, I think against any kind of man, they have to wrestle a cruiserweight style.
She should never try to lock up with a man to get to chain wrestling, and she cannot directly whip any man off the ropes. To her credit, I did not fully understand the latter until I listened to the Steve Austin Unleashed Podcast with Sean "X-PAC" Waltman only a couple of hours prior.
Ray Rice chants. Admire the composure of Davey Vega to go with them, but I would have had a better response to the crowd. Like paraphrasing a Paul George's "tripping" tweet.
Johnny Gargano versus Tomasa Ciampa:
Johnny Gargano was brought in the previous month as a "replacement," so one would assume he is not suppose to be a full-timer. To place him against ROH's Tomasa Ciampa suggests that this was an attraction instead of building the reputation of the full-time AAW stars.
Johnny Gargano was brought in the previous month as a "replacement," so one would assume he is not suppose to be a full-timer. To place him against ROH's Tomasa Ciampa suggests that this was an attraction instead of building the reputation of the full-time AAW stars.
Maybe the websites out of date. Since Gargano kicked out of Project Ciampa, this is likely the case.
Like Gargano's last match, Phil Colvin's commentary was taking more shots at Jim Ross than Vince McMahon would through a head set. Most were totally out of place except, "who is the heel?" It only makes sense because JR may not be familiar with the early Ring of Honor concept of wrestling as a sport. Personal issues are not necessary, it's about showcasing talent, and then selecting the best talent from showcases to write personal issues around. So, JR inevitably wins.
Shane Hollister versus Eddie Kingston:
The show ended with further worries that AAW booking maybe short sighted with Shane Hollister failing to retain the Heavyweight Championship to former Chikara Champion Eddie Kingston. Kingston had dedicated a lot of time to the promotion, but Hollister's reign was only interrupted by a one-month Kevin Steen reign. Hollister is more likely to stay with the promotion longer, so it seems inevitable the belt will return to him. Unless the end game is Matt Cage as champion, who a top title reign may place him in a position to head to a Gabe Sapolsky brainchild.
Since Matt Cage is going up against former TNA Heavyweight Champion, it is more likely that he'll beat Hollister to the belt. Unless there is a Cage face turn, which history shows, tends to happen after you fight for gender inequality.
The show ended with further worries that AAW booking maybe short sighted with Shane Hollister failing to retain the Heavyweight Championship to former Chikara Champion Eddie Kingston. Kingston had dedicated a lot of time to the promotion, but Hollister's reign was only interrupted by a one-month Kevin Steen reign. Hollister is more likely to stay with the promotion longer, so it seems inevitable the belt will return to him. Unless the end game is Matt Cage as champion, who a top title reign may place him in a position to head to a Gabe Sapolsky brainchild.
Since Matt Cage is going up against former TNA Heavyweight Champion, it is more likely that he'll beat Hollister to the belt. Unless there is a Cage face turn, which history shows, tends to happen after you fight for gender inequality.
No Holds Barred: Kubrick-ian Evidence that CENA SUCKS!
“@MainEventZombie So well thought out!! (u gave your NHB blog so much more brain power than that film deserved) #Dookie”–The Wrestling Compadres Twitter Account.
Too bad last week’s blog got most of its views before I cleaned it up to send a request out on Monday using #RAW. If they find out at the day job, I may be out of the copywriter gig. Not to say that would be a bad thing. Give me a raise now or at least make it as alcoholic friendly as it is on AMC.
Thinking about having permission to drink at my advertising job makes me wonder how anything got done in the “Mad Men” era. Then I realize that political correctness wasn’t prevalent until the Cold War ended, and you think back to some of that advertising out of Sterling Cooper, alcohol allowed them creative freedom or at least the freedom to not be sensitive to the public.
So yes @WrestlingBuds, I have a tendency to put too much brain power into the irreverent. If that doesn’t qualify me from hosting or being involved with a podcast, what will. If I can only find the clip of the promo where Austin Aries shoves me into a women’s bathroom to solidify my credentials with the Nerdist Wrestling Experts (AAW Final Four 2008).
Guess I’ll have to continue focusing “No Holds Barred” to keep it fresh in their minds, so that I shan’t be forgotten when the “The Wrestling Compadres Slamcast” finally presents their episode dedicated to the first Hulk Hogan billed feature.
What if “No Holds Barred” actually had stars?
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Vince McMahon's Burger Time: Minimum Entertainment for Minimum Thought
September 20, 2014
It's an awkward weekend to blog, at least when I think wrestling seems to be what my audience is to respond to. There is just too much that bugs me right now. And I was afraid that cutting off my cable would leave me without words (until I get a podcast going, using the word speechless).
Granted, I had my review for the more critical points of All American Wrestling's "Defining Moment" card written as I watched the show. The experience was sort of reminiscent of when I was journal the events around my in ring career, except a lot douchier since I was typing on an iPhone (like every other mark) instead of a journal from Barnes & Noble or Hot Topic. Is it worse to be a smark or a hipster? We definitely should avoid using the term "better."
The term better is what is really bugging me. Not in terms of pro-wrestling products, society deserves the best artistic product possible. Fans can be a detriment to society because they are happy with cheering, chanting instead of becoming involved with the product.
Here's where we get off wrestling and the latest Facebook bullshit. People posting memes about how "Minimum Wage is for the Minimally Skilled." Let's think of this upcoming rant as an opportunity to show my compassion and personality, and hope it convinces you to provide some feedback towards the concept of either "Main Event of the Dead: The Wrestling Podcast" or "Main Event of the Dead: The Zombie-Pro-Wrestling Comedy for the Big Screen...or the small screens at Landmark. (e-mail me at if you'd like a treatment of the script).
Maybe this will blow over since I'm running out of time on my shift. Poorly Timed Wedding: It's technically still summer, so the leaves will not make your special day colorful. Your wedding reception better have an open bar to at least bring out a prism of personalities.
So I can't rant about the issue for too long. I'm certain that if we can do something to end poverty, we should do it. How does a society benefit from the suffering of anyone, especially people who bust their ass to try and make the best living available?
I'm confident everyone will agree that it will take more skill(s) to sew a pair of Nike shoes. I'm fairly confident that everyone will agree that those third-world employees are dreaming of leaving the sweat shop to flip burgers. Skills are subjective, so if you think you're better than anyone because of your job, you're either a horrible judge of character or as lazy as the person working the grill to take the time to understand that you welcome poverty in our society for the working class for your own ego's sake.
September 27, 2014
After watching "Night of Champions", it would seem humanity is either lazy or stubborn and refuses to change. The McMahons are Republican's after all. This leads me to realize that I have not lost touch with society after cutting off my cable TV. WWE is just like Fox News or the Facebook feed of a lazy/vain of a Central Illinois resident.
I was about to say that I didn't want to get to political, and then we had a bunch of assholes loitering in the lobby, reading and laughing along with a Facebook meme that inspired the previous portion of this blog. To their credit, they knew they shouldn't bitch about the slaves of American's corporate dependency at the bar. Then again, if you are content being a dick, why would you think that the minimal rules of common decency would not apply to you?
I'm starting to think wages should be determined by the psychologists. This way, the minimally decent receive the minimal wage. Otherwise, it's all about selecting the correct skills and selling the credit for obtaining the skills to the rich. Pro Wrestling Truly is the Mirror of Society.
It makes me think that the fans who are complaining about the state of professional wrestling are smarter than the writers at WWE. I say this because they are the ones clamoring for a better product instead of a simple (perhaps I should have typed that in all caps) enjoyable product, a product that is based on the interest of one group.
If you listen to the Steve Austin and Jim Ross podcast, all of their best guests preach that the wrestling product needs to make sense, not what amuses the boss. Has TV wrestling made sense since Starrcade 89 (The Iron Man Challenge[s])? Sorry, I don't want to pull a JR and discredit Ring of Honor, so Round Robin Challenge 2002?
I mention Starrcade because the point of the card was to celebrate great wrestling (or as great as a 15 minute Steiners v. Road Warriors match could be). Ring of Honor was brought up because until the promotions main stays were established, story lines were definitely secondary. Both situations suggested that personal issues weren't necessary, so why is story important?
Story lines became primary once ratings became important, and that only happened because of the Monday Night Wars when viewers started wanting more than wrestling. Whatever wrestling was on USA or TBS always killed when it came to ratings. These programs also killed the smaller promotions because if their wrestlers got stale, Vince and the Crocketts just picked new ones from Verne, Fritz, Jerry or Paul.
Am I Enough of a Student of the Game to Get a Podcast David Shoemaker?
Since I didn't read his book, probably not. My transcripts from college may prove that my version of history may lack the proper logic. But people still watch Fox News, so I think my voice should be heard (and it sounds nasally enough to make AKA the Masked Man sound more authoritative, if he needs a clever host who knows a podcast is not about putting yourself over).
And we finally get back to Night of Champions which was a really solid card with the exception of the main event. The main event failed because we followed the product.
Imagine how great the Cena/Lesnar 2 could have been if they didn't show the video package before hand. That way, if I hadn't read the spoilers and only watched the WWE Network for the pay-per-views, I may not have known I was going to see a revived Super Cena.
This match should have been like Cena vs Wyatt from Wrestlemania. Hell, they could have stole the entire bout since it's not like they're using Bray Wyatt. Never during the contest was Cena put in a position to ponder, "Must I do the unthinkable?" Instead, Lesnar looks vulnerable through out the entire match. I suppose the Cena never doing his "Rocky IV" Apollo Creed softened Lesnar's bite.
No one who wants a better wrestling product should complain about the finish with Seth Rollins costing Cena the match. It wasn't about saving the face of the champion, it was about saving the face of the championship. Whose more credible as a champion to those not paying $9.99.
Seth Rollins had saved the American way, the product didn't get worse. You come up with a new contender for Lesnar, and this bad story will be forgotten. The stock is stable, so no need to mess with something that works for most. The Internet won't be a thing once keyboards disappear.
But what if Cena helped Rollins win the title from the Beast? Paul Heyman could continue to try and turn him to the dark side by claiming you couldn't beat Lesnar with "Never Give Up," so you did what you did out of spite. Dean Ambrose could become the WWE version of Daniel Bryan or the new CM Punk.
If WWE put some faith in who the fans are high on, it will pay off. As long as no one is severely hindered, anytime a change has been made to improve the standard for all, society has improved. The problem is that the rich douche bags do not want to acknowledge that there are smarter, better meaning people. If their decision is based on that, they feel they've lost power. Or they don't have faith in their marketing department to sell the new and improved.
So better marketing may trump a better product. And that's why I added "Putney Swope" to my Netflix queue, to see if marketing is the key.
It's an awkward weekend to blog, at least when I think wrestling seems to be what my audience is to respond to. There is just too much that bugs me right now. And I was afraid that cutting off my cable would leave me without words (until I get a podcast going, using the word speechless).
Granted, I had my review for the more critical points of All American Wrestling's "Defining Moment" card written as I watched the show. The experience was sort of reminiscent of when I was journal the events around my in ring career, except a lot douchier since I was typing on an iPhone (like every other mark) instead of a journal from Barnes & Noble or Hot Topic. Is it worse to be a smark or a hipster? We definitely should avoid using the term "better."
The term better is what is really bugging me. Not in terms of pro-wrestling products, society deserves the best artistic product possible. Fans can be a detriment to society because they are happy with cheering, chanting instead of becoming involved with the product.
Here's where we get off wrestling and the latest Facebook bullshit. People posting memes about how "Minimum Wage is for the Minimally Skilled." Let's think of this upcoming rant as an opportunity to show my compassion and personality, and hope it convinces you to provide some feedback towards the concept of either "Main Event of the Dead: The Wrestling Podcast" or "Main Event of the Dead: The Zombie-Pro-Wrestling Comedy for the Big Screen...or the small screens at Landmark. (e-mail me at if you'd like a treatment of the script).
Maybe this will blow over since I'm running out of time on my shift. Poorly Timed Wedding: It's technically still summer, so the leaves will not make your special day colorful. Your wedding reception better have an open bar to at least bring out a prism of personalities.
So I can't rant about the issue for too long. I'm certain that if we can do something to end poverty, we should do it. How does a society benefit from the suffering of anyone, especially people who bust their ass to try and make the best living available?
I'm confident everyone will agree that it will take more skill(s) to sew a pair of Nike shoes. I'm fairly confident that everyone will agree that those third-world employees are dreaming of leaving the sweat shop to flip burgers. Skills are subjective, so if you think you're better than anyone because of your job, you're either a horrible judge of character or as lazy as the person working the grill to take the time to understand that you welcome poverty in our society for the working class for your own ego's sake.
September 27, 2014
After watching "Night of Champions", it would seem humanity is either lazy or stubborn and refuses to change. The McMahons are Republican's after all. This leads me to realize that I have not lost touch with society after cutting off my cable TV. WWE is just like Fox News or the Facebook feed of a lazy/vain of a Central Illinois resident.
I was about to say that I didn't want to get to political, and then we had a bunch of assholes loitering in the lobby, reading and laughing along with a Facebook meme that inspired the previous portion of this blog. To their credit, they knew they shouldn't bitch about the slaves of American's corporate dependency at the bar. Then again, if you are content being a dick, why would you think that the minimal rules of common decency would not apply to you?
I'm starting to think wages should be determined by the psychologists. This way, the minimally decent receive the minimal wage. Otherwise, it's all about selecting the correct skills and selling the credit for obtaining the skills to the rich. Pro Wrestling Truly is the Mirror of Society.
It makes me think that the fans who are complaining about the state of professional wrestling are smarter than the writers at WWE. I say this because they are the ones clamoring for a better product instead of a simple (perhaps I should have typed that in all caps) enjoyable product, a product that is based on the interest of one group.
If you listen to the Steve Austin and Jim Ross podcast, all of their best guests preach that the wrestling product needs to make sense, not what amuses the boss. Has TV wrestling made sense since Starrcade 89 (The Iron Man Challenge[s])? Sorry, I don't want to pull a JR and discredit Ring of Honor, so Round Robin Challenge 2002?
I mention Starrcade because the point of the card was to celebrate great wrestling (or as great as a 15 minute Steiners v. Road Warriors match could be). Ring of Honor was brought up because until the promotions main stays were established, story lines were definitely secondary. Both situations suggested that personal issues weren't necessary, so why is story important?
Story lines became primary once ratings became important, and that only happened because of the Monday Night Wars when viewers started wanting more than wrestling. Whatever wrestling was on USA or TBS always killed when it came to ratings. These programs also killed the smaller promotions because if their wrestlers got stale, Vince and the Crocketts just picked new ones from Verne, Fritz, Jerry or Paul.
Am I Enough of a Student of the Game to Get a Podcast David Shoemaker?
Since I didn't read his book, probably not. My transcripts from college may prove that my version of history may lack the proper logic. But people still watch Fox News, so I think my voice should be heard (and it sounds nasally enough to make AKA the Masked Man sound more authoritative, if he needs a clever host who knows a podcast is not about putting yourself over).
And we finally get back to Night of Champions which was a really solid card with the exception of the main event. The main event failed because we followed the product.
Imagine how great the Cena/Lesnar 2 could have been if they didn't show the video package before hand. That way, if I hadn't read the spoilers and only watched the WWE Network for the pay-per-views, I may not have known I was going to see a revived Super Cena.
This match should have been like Cena vs Wyatt from Wrestlemania. Hell, they could have stole the entire bout since it's not like they're using Bray Wyatt. Never during the contest was Cena put in a position to ponder, "Must I do the unthinkable?" Instead, Lesnar looks vulnerable through out the entire match. I suppose the Cena never doing his "Rocky IV" Apollo Creed softened Lesnar's bite.
No one who wants a better wrestling product should complain about the finish with Seth Rollins costing Cena the match. It wasn't about saving the face of the champion, it was about saving the face of the championship. Whose more credible as a champion to those not paying $9.99.
Seth Rollins had saved the American way, the product didn't get worse. You come up with a new contender for Lesnar, and this bad story will be forgotten. The stock is stable, so no need to mess with something that works for most. The Internet won't be a thing once keyboards disappear.
But what if Cena helped Rollins win the title from the Beast? Paul Heyman could continue to try and turn him to the dark side by claiming you couldn't beat Lesnar with "Never Give Up," so you did what you did out of spite. Dean Ambrose could become the WWE version of Daniel Bryan or the new CM Punk.
If WWE put some faith in who the fans are high on, it will pay off. As long as no one is severely hindered, anytime a change has been made to improve the standard for all, society has improved. The problem is that the rich douche bags do not want to acknowledge that there are smarter, better meaning people. If their decision is based on that, they feel they've lost power. Or they don't have faith in their marketing department to sell the new and improved.
So better marketing may trump a better product. And that's why I added "Putney Swope" to my Netflix queue, to see if marketing is the key.
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Eva can show up on any of my blogs that she wants. - |
CM Punk: The Seeds for a “No Holds Barred” Remake
With the announcement that CM Punk will be writing for the “Thor” comic books, I was kind of confused. It’s one of those, “I guess it can work, but I don’t know why it should moment.”
The Second City Saint has only wrestled. We are all aware of his fandom for comic books, but had he ever done anything to indicate that he aspired to write for them. The WWE’s documentary “CM Punk: Best in the World” focused on his love for punk rock. “ROH Straight Shootin’ Series: CM Punk and Colt Cabana,” made no mention of his literary (Time Magazine listed “Watchmen” in the top 100 of important literature since the magazine’s inception) intentions. Of course Cabana’s not a comic book guy, so maybe they were mentioned in the shoot interview with Samoa Joe. At least I’ll have something to write about next week.
Name Dropping:
My experience with Punk was during the one week he had left with the WWE Championship in 2011 at an AAW show he would eventually make a cameo at, which WWE prevented from being released on DVD. We didn’t talk about comics. I was just the guy who he asked about who the guys were that were wrestling as we watched on a small TV in the back, and whom he gave a nasty look when I called a shoulder breaker “vintage Scott Norton.” In my defense, I had withdrawn from WWE for their treatment of women, ironically through Michael Cole, and I forgotten that vintage is as valid a term as “what a maneuver.”
To pile on the typical nerd stereotype, how were we to know he practiced writing original stuff? If he doesn’t have his own characters, why does a nerd get to write for the God of Thunder. The typical nerd just complains…or writes crappy, scarcely shared fanfiction. And who cares about the typical nerds who aren’t focused on only getting into the comic book business? I suggest no one since I doubt Kevin Smith was asked to write for DC and Marvel until after his success on the big screen. Smith may had to have also proved that his comics about his characters could sell.
Yes. A lot of the rant sounds like The Justice League talking shit about The Avengers. I was trying to pull out a more clever variant on the old kitchenware adage, but the first thing that came to mind was Star Wars Fans and Trekkies. That doesn’t work since Star Wars kicks the dookie (yes this is another NHB blog) out of Trek. Imagine how awesome “The Force Awakens” is going to be based on this premise.
Maybe I’m not a nerd because I approve of the concept of gungans (it’s impossible not to shoot those CG humanoids, in more ways than one) so I’m not much for complaining. On the flip side, my instructors at college were advocates for my criticism of film, so I may just be protective of certain visions.
And I’ve come around to believing that Punk will have that vision. It would be hypocritical for me not to.
The entire character of CM Punk was brilliant. It’s a character that he created, and had 14 years of success with (the number is based on the fall of ECW and rise of Punk [BP/AP if he welcomes a god complex]). Since he proved it could work with plenty of immediate nay sayers, there’s a great chance he can carry someone who is established (thus the fall of the New Nexus, lack of established characters). How can we not embrace The Summer of Thor?
Perhaps his entire career existed to write comic books. I suggest this because I want to rewrite bad movies that I love, or the films some aspiring actresses loved (and had me watch the while leaving me at the plate with bat on my shoulder [what is th base should I have rounded for watching “Biodome” and “Hudson Hawk]), and make them into good flicks.
"Main Event of the Dead: The Screenplay” (get the treatment by emailing was written because it can be produced quickly and for next to and nothing, should be funny enough to conquer it’s short comings, but most importantly, gets my name out there as someone who can do great things with characters.
I would like to think that the script isn’t my best because it is a B-Movie, but with the lack of success as an indie wrestler, the indie screenplays based around my experiences may not have what it takes to demand seven-figure budgets. But if I could fix, “No Holds Barred,” maybe I can attach the personal films to the contract.
Should I start working on a treatment now? It’ll at least give my tumblr “Rip ‘em System” some material.
Maybe I should have called this blog “Chasing #Dookie.”
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Putting Myself Over: Tank Girl/Daffney vs Deadpool/David Flair in WWE Supercard
September 13, 2014
How long can I keep appealing for a wrestling podcast when nothing is happening in the industry? I can claim my personality can trump that, but with few (as in nil) requests for a treatment of the "Main Event of the Dead" script (request by emailing and I know 37 people were interested in my self-deprecating blog from the prior week, my wit may only be self perceived.
May be it wasn't the right time to cut off my cable TV. "@midnight" Hash Tag wars as an act of expression will be tough to maintain.
I guess it's a good thing I like to check out All American Wrestling in Berwyn, Illinois. With the absence of Kevin Harvey due to injury, maybe I can pick up on his pod-casting. Or add some brains that seem to be missing from the entourage for the faction/tag team "We Are Here."
I may have to watch some old MNM matches and Daffney's WCW efforts on the WWE Network to see if Nikki Mayday screaming makes her a good heel valet or not. There just seems to be no motivation behind her character. She didn't seem like much of a heel, just someone trying to gain attention in a cluster muck of an eight man tag. As new AAW Champion Eddie Kingston said, "Indie wrestling is alive and well," too the point where this show would have benefited from four less performers. I mention this because Dan Lawrence and Marcus Crane seemed to be more focused on playing off of her than the match. Not to say that there was a lot of focus since this match seemed to have been thrown together to get all of the promotion regulars (and favorites) respectively.
Her "Tank Girl" apparel is out of place because there were certain subtleties to Lori Petty performance as the character. If it's an homage to the loud comic strip cutaways in the 1995 film, I might understand it, but I think subtle nature was implied even in those since they were in black and white.
In the end, I should lay off my critique of her because she might be an aficionado of the actual comic books which, at this point, I cannot claim to be, thus she may have nailed it. That, and does it sound like a good idea to take time out of my day to watch David Flair's work? You cannot even knock her if she's ripping off the "Tank Girl" character. This is because I know that if I tried to put on a Deadpool mask, my sense of humor makes it impossible for me to not be considered a knock off. Then again, my Deadphool is still better than Ryan Reynolds.
It took four paragraphs but I think I have once again proved why I should be "The Nerdist" wrestling guy instead of the "Wrestling Compadres." At least this women in wrestling tangent is promoting someone who is putting an effort in presenting a character instead of an interview with a pretty face (Eva Marie) that acknowledges she's not being developed to know a damn thing about the business. Not Eva Marie's fault (rarely is it with WWE), but if we don't stop encouraging it, where will the space be for Charlotte on the main roster?
And where are there movie reference laced rasslin' rants? That question kind of made me wish I was an Asian stereotype for alliteration sake. Born in the wrong place I suppose. Have I just realized why "I'm So Ronery?"
Since the bold font was turned on, I may as well continue to plead for feedback. If you would like a treatment of my comedic zombie versus pro-wrestler themed screenplay, "Main Event of the Dead," send me an e-mail at (I've still got my Comcast Internet, so spam doesn't scare me). Suggestions for ideas on how to promote my proposed film to a point where I feel confident about moving to a crowd-sourcing stage would be greatly appreciated. At the very least, any kind of comment will be appreciated (we all have some kind of Google related account to do so). Would it kill you to take a minute to give me a bull shit "Five Stars" review./?
Since I have a focus on women in wrestling, The Nerdist wouldn't lose anything...except for the attempts to imitate the lamest angles of WWE and the soundboard. To prove that and my uber-nerdiness, lets talk about WWE Supercard, 2K and CatDaddy's video card game for IOS and Android.
I had a more thorough review of AAW's Defining Moment show from September 12, 2014, but I'm running out of space on the page and time at work. Sorry about poor time management. Too busy running off the homeless wandering the hotel's lot...and being distracted by my "King of the Ring" activity on my iPhone. Allow the following to explain as I attempt a first: Getting an iPhone app's 3-Star review read.
WWE Supercard: Addicting Despite Its Flaws (Review #42, so it must be the answer).
How long can I keep appealing for a wrestling podcast when nothing is happening in the industry? I can claim my personality can trump that, but with few (as in nil) requests for a treatment of the "Main Event of the Dead" script (request by emailing and I know 37 people were interested in my self-deprecating blog from the prior week, my wit may only be self perceived.
May be it wasn't the right time to cut off my cable TV. "@midnight" Hash Tag wars as an act of expression will be tough to maintain.
I guess it's a good thing I like to check out All American Wrestling in Berwyn, Illinois. With the absence of Kevin Harvey due to injury, maybe I can pick up on his pod-casting. Or add some brains that seem to be missing from the entourage for the faction/tag team "We Are Here."
I may have to watch some old MNM matches and Daffney's WCW efforts on the WWE Network to see if Nikki Mayday screaming makes her a good heel valet or not. There just seems to be no motivation behind her character. She didn't seem like much of a heel, just someone trying to gain attention in a cluster muck of an eight man tag. As new AAW Champion Eddie Kingston said, "Indie wrestling is alive and well," too the point where this show would have benefited from four less performers. I mention this because Dan Lawrence and Marcus Crane seemed to be more focused on playing off of her than the match. Not to say that there was a lot of focus since this match seemed to have been thrown together to get all of the promotion regulars (and favorites) respectively.
Her "Tank Girl" apparel is out of place because there were certain subtleties to Lori Petty performance as the character. If it's an homage to the loud comic strip cutaways in the 1995 film, I might understand it, but I think subtle nature was implied even in those since they were in black and white.
In the end, I should lay off my critique of her because she might be an aficionado of the actual comic books which, at this point, I cannot claim to be, thus she may have nailed it. That, and does it sound like a good idea to take time out of my day to watch David Flair's work? You cannot even knock her if she's ripping off the "Tank Girl" character. This is because I know that if I tried to put on a Deadpool mask, my sense of humor makes it impossible for me to not be considered a knock off. Then again, my Deadphool is still better than Ryan Reynolds.
It took four paragraphs but I think I have once again proved why I should be "The Nerdist" wrestling guy instead of the "Wrestling Compadres." At least this women in wrestling tangent is promoting someone who is putting an effort in presenting a character instead of an interview with a pretty face (Eva Marie) that acknowledges she's not being developed to know a damn thing about the business. Not Eva Marie's fault (rarely is it with WWE), but if we don't stop encouraging it, where will the space be for Charlotte on the main roster?
And where are there movie reference laced rasslin' rants? That question kind of made me wish I was an Asian stereotype for alliteration sake. Born in the wrong place I suppose. Have I just realized why "I'm So Ronery?"
Since the bold font was turned on, I may as well continue to plead for feedback. If you would like a treatment of my comedic zombie versus pro-wrestler themed screenplay, "Main Event of the Dead," send me an e-mail at (I've still got my Comcast Internet, so spam doesn't scare me). Suggestions for ideas on how to promote my proposed film to a point where I feel confident about moving to a crowd-sourcing stage would be greatly appreciated. At the very least, any kind of comment will be appreciated (we all have some kind of Google related account to do so). Would it kill you to take a minute to give me a bull shit "Five Stars" review./?
Since I have a focus on women in wrestling, The Nerdist wouldn't lose anything...except for the attempts to imitate the lamest angles of WWE and the soundboard. To prove that and my uber-nerdiness, lets talk about WWE Supercard, 2K and CatDaddy's video card game for IOS and Android.
I had a more thorough review of AAW's Defining Moment show from September 12, 2014, but I'm running out of space on the page and time at work. Sorry about poor time management. Too busy running off the homeless wandering the hotel's lot...and being distracted by my "King of the Ring" activity on my iPhone. Allow the following to explain as I attempt a first: Getting an iPhone app's 3-Star review read.
WWE Supercard: Addicting Despite Its Flaws (Review #42, so it must be the answer).
It's very simple which makes it a great time killer at work that keeps you away from the social networks.
The flaw is that it doesn't allow you to learn on your own. If you do not read all of the tutorials, which are not easy to find, you will get frustrated as you try to advance. And unfortunately you cannot say 'screw it' and start over again, so you cannot get it right. The e-mail I received from the developer makes it apparent that this game will not address this.
"There is no way to restart or delete your account."
Mike Koontz - CatDaddy
Still, it keeps you busy and doesn't require, or allow, much strategy, so it will continue to amuse you more than any 1 or 2 minute smartphone game can. Because of this, and promises of events, I could not rid my phone of the app.
Fantasy Booking: No Holds Barred - The Survivor Series Match
Am I actually breaking news here? I have not seen make note of it, neither has any of the five wrestling podcast that I listen to. The “Wrestling Observer Newsletter” ( must really be the premier news website.
Maybe they could use a designer who is an expert in usability (please excuse the slight hiccup)?
The WWE Network is utilizing the TV-MA rating, thus, if you watch ECW Cyberslam 96, you can hear Brian Pillman call Eric Bischoff a “Fucking Piece of Shit!” And I had to pay 90.00 to get this memory while everyone else got it for free this month. Of course, they probably wouldn’t look for it. I know @rosenbergradio doesn’t consider ECW to be an important part of the Monday Night War since he doesn’t feel let down not hearing “Natural Born Killas” by Dr. Dre and Ice Cube during a New Jack match.
Truthfully, I had already paid $30.00, 14 years ago, to get this Easter egg on the Pioneer DVD release of “ECW Path of Destruction.” At least my subscription to the network means I no longer have to look up the button combination to get to the clip.
So hale to the IWC and Podcast world. If WWE doesn’t know what or how to advertise they’re future, nor should we.
Speaking of the Podcast world, the “Wrestling Compadre Slamcast” decided that the best way to have fun with Survivor Series week was by coming up with their fantasy Survivor Series teams. It’s a fun exercise, but it reminds me why I think the pinnacle of video gaming ended with the cartridge. The annual WWE releases weren’t a reminder that wrestling was better before the monopoly was established. Thus, players are led to be more concerned about combining the few stars they followed on the indies with their heroes from the first 16 Wrestlemanias. Or to just live through the great stories over again, only needing to get past the feel of dubbed films from Hong Kong.
People buy new Madden and FIFA games every year for the new teams, not the old products. WWE either needs to improve their current TV products or make things so wretched outside of the ring, we demand wrestling to forget about it. NFL football’s play is horrid, but as long as they’re playing, we forget about elevator videos. I can only hope that WWE doesn’t pay too much attention to this blog. It would feel better if they would pay me for my “Main Event of the Dead” zombie-wrestling comedy screenplay rather than receiving residuals when the Nikki Bella goes Knowles sister on John Cena video angle comes out.
Sorry for the lengthiness of my criticism of the WWE product line instead of just cutting to why the line ups the Compadres came up with can only work in the confines of the lesser video game systems. When is the Wii U going to get some love?
Their teams feature no context, since the squads are comprised of competitors from all 28 Survivor Series pay-per-views. Thus, they can’t really be fantasy booked. It is up to the best button smasher to determine how the three-way Survivor Series would work out.
So, I’m holding off my essay on how WWE could have done more to prevent the WCW World Heavyweight Championship reign of David Arquette. Instead, I’m going to provide a Fantasy Survivor Series centered around Hulk Hogan’s opus “No Holds Barred.”
1989 was kind of an end of an era. With the success of “Batman,” the days of uber-violent action films had ended. Action films had to be made to appeal to the widest audience. Tim Burton’s film also required that action films had to be good, if not awesome. Thus, after “Tango & Cash” the tacky action films (I should say, tacky action films that weren’t poor adaptation of fringe comic books) on the big screen had ended, until revived by video store loving auteurs like Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, and only after they proved their talent.
1989 was comprised of three memorable tacky-action films. Two of these movies are undisputed classics, “Road House” and “Tango & Cash.” The third film is “No Holds Barred.” Thus, my Survivor Series match will feature the heroes of these films.
Team Rip:
Dalton (Patrick Swayze)
Wade Garrett (Sam Elliot)
Gabriel Cash (Kurt Russell)
Raymond Tango (Sylvester Stallone)
You can complain about the lack of wrestlers on this team, but all these stars had to deal with wrestlers in at least one of their classic films. If you remember “The Hulksters” versus “The Million Dollar Team” from 1989, I think actual wrestling accolades may be secondary to the extravaganza. Swayze and Elliot were facing off with Terry Funk in “Road House,” and Stallone dealt with Funk multiple times. Stallone may deserve to be in the celebrity wing of the WWE Hall of Fame since he brought the world’s attention to Hulk Hogan.
At best, I maybe only be able to bring in two heels from the Rowdy Harrington classic. Scratch that, three heels come from this film since no one has a problem with seeing Ben Gazzara die. Kurt Fuller’s accidental death in the finale of NHB left a bad taste in my mouth (as indicated in my first blog in my NHB series, now on Tublr’s Rip ‘Em System). Who didn’t have a grand laugh at the good old boys of Jasper getting away with executing Brad Wesley with shot guns?
Regardless of whether or not we replace Brell with Wesley, the heels still need two partners. And one of them has to protect Kurt Russell. So, the Team Zeus will feature two performers from past 80’s films of T&C stars.
Team Zeus:
Morgan (Terry Funk)
Jimmy (thespian and friend of Chuck Norris, Marshall R. Teauge)
From “New York 1997” Slag (Ox Baker)
“The Ultimate Male"Thunderlips
Hulkster versus Hulkster: How’s that for fantasy booking? Throw in some run in from the "Neanderthal” Stan Hansen and Jake “The Unmasked Superstar” Bullett, imagine the PPV buys. Definitely worth $9.99. And from here, we can build to the No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie. I’m thinking Daulton heel turn, or Rocky Balboa returns to ensure the “ideal” Hulk Hogan wins the day.
If you’re going to book, book backwards as Jim Ross says. I just hope our stars stay healthy so we can have them ready for the team of Oliver Platt, David Arquette, Goldberg, Sting, and Martin Landau at Wrestlemania.
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No Holds Barred: Vince McMahon’s Mein Kampf
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