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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Vince McMahon's Burger Time: Minimum Entertainment for Minimum Thought

September 20, 2014

It's an awkward weekend to blog, at least when I think wrestling seems to be what my audience is to respond to. There is just too much that bugs me right now. And I was afraid that cutting off my cable would leave me without words (until I get a podcast going, using the word speechless).

Granted, I had my review for the more critical points of All American Wrestling's "Defining Moment" card written as I watched the show. The experience was sort of reminiscent of when I was journal the events around my in ring career, except a lot douchier since I was typing on an iPhone (like every other mark) instead of a journal from Barnes & Noble or Hot Topic. Is it worse to be a smark or a hipster? We definitely should avoid using the term "better."

The term better is what is really bugging me. Not in terms of pro-wrestling products, society deserves the best artistic product possible. Fans can be a detriment to society because they are happy with cheering, chanting instead of becoming involved with the product.

Here's where we get off wrestling and the latest Facebook bullshit. People posting memes about how "Minimum Wage is for the Minimally Skilled." Let's think of this upcoming rant as an opportunity to show my compassion and personality, and hope it convinces you to provide some feedback towards the concept of either "Main Event of the Dead: The Wrestling Podcast" or "Main Event of the Dead: The Zombie-Pro-Wrestling Comedy for the Big Screen...or the small screens at Landmark. (e-mail me at russthebus07@gmail.com if you'd like a treatment of the script).

Maybe this will blow over since I'm running out of time on my shift. Poorly Timed Wedding: It's technically still summer, so the leaves will not make your special day colorful. Your wedding reception better have an open bar to at least bring out a prism of personalities.

So I can't rant about the issue for too long. I'm certain that if we can do something to end poverty, we should do it. How does a society benefit from the suffering of anyone, especially people who bust their ass to try and make the best living available?

I'm confident everyone will agree that it will take more skill(s) to sew a pair of Nike shoes. I'm fairly confident that everyone will agree that those third-world employees are dreaming of leaving the sweat shop to flip burgers. Skills are subjective, so if you think you're better than anyone because of your job, you're either a horrible judge of character or as lazy as the person working the grill to take the time to understand that you welcome poverty in our society for the working class for your own ego's sake.

September 27, 2014

After watching "Night of Champions", it would seem humanity is either lazy or stubborn and refuses to change. The McMahons are Republican's after all. This leads me to realize that I have not lost touch with society after cutting off my cable TV. WWE is just like Fox News or the Facebook feed of a lazy/vain of a Central Illinois resident.

I was about to say that I didn't want to get to political, and then we had a bunch of assholes loitering in the lobby, reading and laughing along with a Facebook meme that inspired the previous portion of this blog. To their credit, they knew they shouldn't bitch about the slaves of American's corporate dependency at the bar. Then again, if you are content being a dick, why would you think that the minimal rules of common decency would not apply to you?

I'm starting to think wages should be determined by the psychologists. This way, the minimally decent receive the minimal wage. Otherwise, it's all about selecting the correct skills and selling the credit for obtaining the skills to the rich. Pro Wrestling Truly is the Mirror of Society.

It makes me think that the fans who are complaining about the state of professional wrestling are smarter than the writers at WWE. I say this because they are the ones clamoring for a better product instead of a simple (perhaps I should have typed that in all caps) enjoyable product, a product that is based on the interest of one group.

If you listen to the Steve Austin and Jim Ross podcast, all of their best guests preach that the wrestling product needs to make sense, not what amuses the boss. Has TV wrestling made sense since Starrcade 89 (The Iron Man Challenge[s])? Sorry, I don't want to pull a JR and discredit Ring of Honor, so Round Robin Challenge 2002?

I mention Starrcade because the point of the card was to celebrate great wrestling (or as great as a 15 minute Steiners v. Road Warriors match could be). Ring of Honor was brought up because until the promotions main stays were established, story lines were definitely secondary. Both situations suggested that personal issues weren't necessary, so why is story important?

Story lines became primary once ratings became important, and that only happened because of  the Monday Night Wars when viewers started wanting more than wrestling. Whatever wrestling was on USA or TBS always killed when it came to ratings. These programs also killed the smaller promotions because if their wrestlers got stale, Vince and the Crocketts just picked new ones from Verne, Fritz, Jerry or Paul.

Am I Enough of a Student of the Game to Get a Podcast David Shoemaker?

Since I didn't read his book, probably not. My transcripts from college may prove that my version of history may lack the proper logic. But people still watch Fox News, so I think my voice should be heard (and it sounds nasally enough to make AKA the Masked Man sound more authoritative, if he needs a clever host who knows a podcast is not about putting yourself over).

And we finally get back to Night of Champions which was a really solid card with the exception of the main event. The main event failed because we followed the product.

Imagine how great the Cena/Lesnar 2 could have been if they didn't show the video package before hand. That way, if I hadn't read the spoilers and only watched the WWE Network for the pay-per-views, I may not have known I was going to see a revived Super Cena.

This match should have been like Cena vs Wyatt from Wrestlemania. Hell, they could have stole the entire bout since it's not like they're using Bray Wyatt. Never during the contest was Cena put in a position to ponder, "Must I do the unthinkable?" Instead, Lesnar looks vulnerable through out the entire match. I suppose the Cena never doing his "Rocky IV" Apollo Creed softened Lesnar's bite.

No one who wants a better wrestling product should complain about the finish with Seth Rollins costing Cena the match. It wasn't about saving the face of the champion, it was about saving the face of the championship. Whose more credible as a champion to those not paying $9.99.

Seth Rollins had saved the American way, the product didn't get worse. You come up with a new contender for Lesnar, and this bad story will be forgotten. The stock is stable, so no need to mess with something that works for most. The Internet won't be a thing once keyboards disappear.

But what if Cena helped Rollins win the title from the Beast? Paul Heyman could continue to try and turn him to the dark side by claiming you couldn't beat Lesnar with "Never Give Up," so you did what you did out of spite. Dean Ambrose could become the WWE version of Daniel Bryan or the new CM Punk.

If WWE put some faith in who the fans are high on, it will pay off. As long as no one is severely hindered, anytime a change has been made to improve the standard for all, society has improved. The problem is that the rich douche bags do not want to acknowledge that there are smarter, better meaning people. If their decision is based on that, they feel they've lost power. Or they don't have faith in their marketing department to sell the new and improved.

So better marketing may trump a better product. And that's why I added "Putney Swope" to my Netflix queue, to see if marketing is the key.
Eva can show up on any of my blogs that she wants. - www.instagram.com/maineventzombie

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