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Monday, April 13, 2020

Hashtag IWA MeToo: Match 2 - Add a Pound Sign or Names of Jerks?

Do not look at your blogger stats when you are looking for motivation to write.
I am starting to think that writing maybe nothing more than practice. Too bad I need a better work situation to just take a day or two to devote writing my next work of fiction. If it is any comfort to my tens of readers, management positions at my day job are something that I am pursuing which is a first. As for freeing myself from the overnight drone work, that will have to wait for a relationship building trip to Vegas to pass, a long with my anti-anxiety and sleep aid.
May be I cannot do anything right. My third trip to Sin City is being planned, and yet again, I cannot enjoy all that the state of Nevada has to offer. Granted, I have out grown wanting to visit the adult entertainment facilities outside of Clark County, but they turn around and legalize cannabis. How do I always miss out, be it blogging or partying?
It is sad to say that it seems that you have to shock people to get a response to your posts. If memory serves me right, (and after checking out the stats from Harshside.com, it does) calling out pit bull owners in a title and referring directly to Peoria wrestling seemed to have resulted in my biggest numbers of views. On this website, people were not reading “Racism Can Play in Peoria. What About Your Local Wrestling?”, but they had a response…oh did they have a response. Either everyone’s social media feeds lean so far left or right that those people who defended the absolutely wrong ideology of Tracy Smothers are not aware of the last blog post (to my credit, I found out about Ian’s insensitivity), or they have just become too jaded to even think about somebody suggesting they are assholes.
Damn people basing philosophy from novelty tees (“Mom told me I could be what ever I wanted, so I became an asshole” for example). It may inspire me to take a motorboat engine to those GEICO matinees.
Or if I infer from Ian Rotten’s Facebook feed, the man who is excusing the awful, just does not produce enough interest for Twitter’s wrestling pundits to care about his reckless posting.

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