
WARNING: Blogs may also feature cool tumbler post Russ has shared. Visit the original Tumblr for Rip 'Em System.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Triple H: Were You Inspired by Kurt Fuller in No Holds Barred?

Thank the gods for the little time I have to write this. I never thought I'd find a bright side to the 30 or so cheap cell phone sale representative to constantly shuttle to a steak house for a Christmas party in the midst of an inevitable winter storm.

I fear I did not learn from history (maybe that qualifies me for WWE creative) because I should have known the forecast could only be accompanied by independent Verizon scammers (if that Bo Dallas gimmick gets dropped, how about IVS? Tablets are big enough to use as a weapon). Screw Africa in terms of who needs to know when Christmas is.

The lack of time means I have a greater amount of time to think about a tenth chapter for my "No Holds Barred" themed Tumblr. Since the wrestling industry (can we really call the indies industrious? I'll buy a lot of stock if PWG or AAW goes public), is in a worse shape than the World Television Network, would my scarred mind allow for anything else?

So, hopefully Mr. Austin can remedy some of my mental anguish. If he wants to try and take care of all it, which I think showing some support for my wrestling zombie/comedy "Main Event of the Dead" may help, he can e-mail me at russthebus07@gmail.com. If Mr. Austin or any of my readers want a screenplay treatment to look over to truly know what I need help in promoting, feel free to use the same e-mail address.

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No Holds Barred: Vince McMahon’s Mein Kampf

The title and content of this blog is satirical. I do not believe there is any evidence to suggest that the McMahon family or WWE Inc. (wh...