
WARNING: Blogs may also feature cool tumbler post Russ has shared. Visit the original Tumblr for Rip 'Em System.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Is Roman Reigns the New (and Adjace) Zeus?

This one may get out a week later than I like. Credit was increased on a card I’m still using, so that necessitates me to spend to build credit. It wasn’t eBay that took up my free time at work. It was my attempt to come up with a tattoo idea of a self-destructive take on the Japanese lucky cat figurine. For those counting at home, that is cat tat number eight (5 tats, 8 cats…and that’s what happens when you don’t let your kids have pets Dad).
I’d rather go “Hollywood Shuffle” with the money I technically don’t have, but I’ve yet to come up with or receive any ideas on how to further promote “Main Event of the Dead,” my screenplay for a pro-wrestling based zombie-comedy. If you want to help out in getting my project to the point where I feel it’ll get resources from Kickstarter or IndieGoGo, send me an e-mail at russthebus07@gmail.com.
What I have come up with is perhaps the final chapter in my “The Social Impact of No Holds Barred” homage. It kind of sucks because I think a Tumblr (check out the NHB archives Tumblr “Rip ‘Em System”) should seem infinite. And if I don’t get this written by Monday 8 pm Eastern, it may be irrelevant. That would mean WWE creative is finally doing a good job, so I may not need to be so hard on myself.
I sent out a tweet last week to the lesser of the host (in terms of wrestling fandom) of the “Cheap Heat” podcast, Peter Rosenberg [@Rosenbergradio]). This was the first time I ever used the term “adjace” (the “hip?” way of saying similar but inferior, derived from adjacent).
Is pushing Roman Reigns after The Shield folded like pushing Jim Neidhart when the Hart Foundation disbanded? @Rosenbergradio #adjace
Too bad the Anvil’s Twitter account isn’t verified. He’d have liked the love he got from the response.
@BDKiiing: reigns is not good. He has the look, that is all. Hack wrestler. Charisma vacuum. Needs a mouth piece
@BDKiiing: no. Anvil was a better wrestler and more charismatic. 
@Rosenbergradio: No def not
Sorry if that is underwhelming Mr. Neidhart, just enough for me to be angry that I made it a drunken bedtime tweet. Stupid e-mail notifications. I suppose I should have said that it would have been like pushing Marty Jannety instead of Shawn from the disbanding of The Rockers to be #adjace.

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