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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Invading and Evading: The Buffalo-Themed Disgruntled's Real Tag Team Champions - Part 5

*Blog written on February 10, 2020.

The Daily Buffalo Resolution winded up costing me $100 this past weekend. You cannot just go to Slim Chicken's on 50-cent wing day and just go back home for the rest of the weekend.

Were any of the items stuff I should have passed up. Maybe the Wii U copy of "Bayonetta 2" (with the original "Bayonetta") would qualify, but when most places charge 20 bucks for that combo, how do I resist 10? It also seemed to be the perfect accompanyment to the Nick Fury with Goose Funko Pop.

On the opposite end of the comic spectrum, perhaps I should have just stuck with Volume Two of "Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity" instead of committing to Volume Three as well, but we do not want Warner Bros screwing with those characters again. Any purchase towards Gotham's criminal royalty should stop that, right?

I guess I cannot blame Slim Chicken's for the Bloomington trip the next day. And, it ended up being a good trip when I found the $40 yellow-soled, pastel tye-dyed All-Stars to replace the black ones that are still mudcaked from Riot Fest. What else would be appropriate for my fuschia pair to match with?

In the end, the only thing worth bitching about is that 20 wings were not enough. I rarely feel like a glutton, but there were no leftovers. It felt like I was placed in a tough spot. You do not want to advertise yourself as a fat ass by ordering 40 and then have a seat to dine. With only four TV's, behaving like it's a Hooters is wrong.

Oh how I miss Hooters. Why did I not just drive to Springfield instead? The better quarter likes to see new places.

At least there was no complaining about the one who is second to Eva the Cat. The shoes and underwear (Super Mario from H&M) she lead me to makes it seem like we are a good team. We are at least a better arrangment than the post WCW/ECW scene that follows.

The 72nd Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Brothers of Destruction (Kane and The Undertaker) - 4/1/01 to 4/29/01
The idea behind the title change was to set up the two main event heels to hold all of the championships at one time, so they were getting the most exposure possible (far more than the NWA's Bad Attitude [David Young and Rick Michaels] and Heavenly Bodies [Chris Nelson and Vito DeNucci]). It would also tease the Hardy Boyz as main eventers.

The 73rd Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Two-Man Power Trip (Triple H and Steve Austin) - 4/29/01 to 5/21/01

The 74th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho - 5/21/01 to 6/19/01

The 75th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Dudley Boyz (7) - 6/19/01 to 7/9/01

The 76th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's The Acolytes Protection Agency (Ron "Farooq" Simmons and "JBL" Bradshaw) - 7/9/01 to 8/7/01

The 77th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon - 8/7/01 to 8/19/01

The 78th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Brothers of Destruction (2) - 8/19/01 to 9/17/01
Also the WCW Tag Team Champions at the time.

The 79th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Dudley Boyz (8) - 9/17/01 to 10/22/01

The 80th Real Tag Team Champions:
WCW Champions: The Hardy Boyz (4) - 10/22/01 to 10/23/01
The Dudleys dropped their belts to feed into The Rock's and Jericho's feud over the WCW World Championship. They in turn lost the belt to Booker T and Test (WCW's top star and the turncoat). So, no real teams held the WWF belts until the Hardys regained them.

The 81st Real Tag Team Champions:
WCW Dudley Boyz (9) - 10/23/01 to 1/7/02
The Dudleys would win the WWF titles from the Hardys. When the Alliance was forced to disband, they were recognize only as the WWF champions.

The 82nd Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Spike Dudley and Tazz - 1/7/02 to 2/19/02

The 83rd Real Tag Team Champions:
WWF/WWE's Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo - 2/19/02 to 5/19/02

The 84th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWE's Rico and Rikishi - 5/19/02 to 6/4/02

The 85th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWE's Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo (2) - 6/4/02 to 7/2/02

The 86th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWE's Hulk Hogan and Edge - 7/2/02 to 7/21/02

The 87th Real Tag Team Champions:
WWE's Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) - 7/21/02 to 9/23/02

Kirk Gillespi - Pinterest
Kirk Gillespi - Pinterest kirkg78

The 88th Real Tag Team Champions:
NWA's America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) - 9/23/02 to 11/13/02
The WWE had only one tag team title at the time, and they decided to use it only to put over Kane in his main event jobber role to Triple H. "The Hurricane" Gregory Shane Helms was his partner and proved to not be needed when Kane won a TLC match to defend the titles on his own.

And Total Nonstop Action Became the American Wrestling Association

And you wonder where the joke promotion reputation came from. TNA/Impact's heavyweight division is primarily the reason for that, which is sad when the undercard was at least trying to innovate. Like Verne Gagne's AWA, the promoter (Jeff Jarrett) seemed to start the promotion to get himself over at the expense of everything else. It is kind of poetic that Jarrett only has daughters. Grandma Jarrett never tried to do that shit.

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