
WARNING: Blogs may also feature cool tumbler post Russ has shared. Visit the original Tumblr for Rip 'Em System.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A Wrestling Weekend Past and All the Corrections

The consolidating of all my blogs to MainEventOfTheDead.com had gone pretty smoothly until my revisiting my time in Partial Hospitalization for Psychiatric reasons (depression, and OSF would say alcoholism, but that was not really a problem until I moved to a 2 am last call town). These went long and my obsessive compulsive nature left the visual appearance of the content feeling off.

Thus, I need to write longer new blogs since the entries from My First Blog turned into being primarily movie reviews, and since I would talk about my depression on HeadTrip309.Blogspot.com, there were not as many long-winded rants about how I was feeling. So, there was a time where I was even doing more micromanaging than I am now. Perhaps it was not the social scene in Peoria that was the problem, but my quirk-driven nature. Alcohol could have been the problem because it did not relax me enough.

My satire game had been strong the past couple of weeks with "Destroy Capitalism! Destroy the Consumer" (My one regret was not using the word kill instead of destroy. How did I miss the alliteration?) and "How Many Trimesters Are Too Few: Abolish the Terrible Twos" (Despite my current Catholic-raised girlfriend's objections. That makes me want to figure out the trauma that lead to a lot of my decisions opposing my WASP grandfather's prejudices.), but each got shorter as I wrote them. The only thing I know that will take up a lot of space on a website is my analysis of pro-wrestling. Thank the Gods (LeVeque, Silkin, Gedo and McMahon) for the previous weekend.

How to Have Given Wrestlemania an Acceptable Runtime:

Who is the Disgruntled Wrestling Fan's Real World Champion?

Outside of Mania was "The Lego Movie"

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