
WARNING: Blogs may also feature cool tumbler post Russ has shared. Visit the original Tumblr for Rip 'Em System.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Disgruntled’s Real World Heavyweight Champion

Here’s hoping that my new employer only looks at the web history when the dung hits the fan. Perhaps it is too early in my tenure with my new employer to be bringing back my Saturday/Sunday blog, but if they do not seem to mind other(s) doing their junior college stuff on it, why should I worry? Why should I care?
And why aren’t the “The Oliver and Company” characters featured in “Kingdom Hearts”? Can a game have too many Cheech Marin-voiced characters? Am I the only one who appreciates the 80’s animated films between the ones that they gave sequels to? Where is “The Great Mouse Detective 2: Basil Boogaloo”?
Speaking of appreciation, that is something I do not have much of for in regards to  WWE. This is something that I really do not need to delve into right now, except for the championships. Do we really want to call Roman Reigns THE champion?

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