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Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Disgruntled’s Real World Heavyweight Champion

Here’s hoping that my new employer only looks at the web history when the dung hits the fan. Perhaps it is too early in my tenure with my new employer to be bringing back my Saturday/Sunday blog, but if they do not seem to mind other(s) doing their junior college stuff on it, why should I worry? Why should I care?
And why aren’t the “The Oliver and Company” characters featured in “Kingdom Hearts”? Can a game have too many Cheech Marin-voiced characters? Am I the only one who appreciates the 80’s animated films between the ones that they gave sequels to? Where is “The Great Mouse Detective 2: Basil Boogaloo”?
Speaking of appreciation, that is something I do not have much of for in regards to  WWE. This is something that I really do not need to delve into right now, except for the championships. Do we really want to call Roman Reigns THE champion?

Cesaro Needs a "No Holds Barred" Sequel/AAW One Twisted Christmas

It’s tough to be humorous at the end of the year. I suppose we’ve burned through all the humor by the twelve-month point. Hence, at a milestone like that, we find it best to just put out our year in review. Thus, the initial thought for this blog was to write “10 Things from 2014 that were worse than ‘No Holds Barred,’” but it wouldn’t be a compare and contrast. It would just be me bitching about:
  • The idiocy of having a feud between two people with the exact same of DNA (I bet one has highlighted hair so the E! News talking heads could tell them apart).
  • The “Ryback Isn’t that Dangerous” PR tour (and Chris Jericho’s hypocrisy).
  • How come an injured champion was stripped of their title for failing to defend it in two months while a healthy one doesn’t have to defend theirs for four (I already have the kayfabe answer, but that’s like stating why there were obviously black stormtroopers)?
Aside from one liners, there wouldn’t be much creativity. And my voice maybe a little too flat for sound bytes with punctual impact.
Then fear sets in because, from my experience, the start of the year is also tough humor wise. We all sit back and remind ourselves of where we fell short, remember the dead comedians from the prior year, and wonder how we can laugh it off. Last year, I tried with satire and comparing my existence to “Schrodinger’s Cat,” but dark humor doesn’t seem to work when everyone is in a dark place. Oh the number of friends and family I had to block on Facebook and Twitter for failing to understand my plight or at least chuckle at it. If people didn’t understand or smirk, were the blogs alive or dead?
Trying to relate “No Holds Barred” to the indie show I saw last weekend, “AAW Presents: One Twisted Christmas” seemed like a daunting task. All that immediately had come to mind was comparing the promos of the legitimately injured to the crippling of Randy, and that’s distasteful. That, and this show was awesome. Mismanaged in terms of time and booking placement, but much better than the well structured Mr. Hogan’s Opus.
I’d still like to review the event in this blog, so when you get to the italic font, you’ll know the satirical stuff has ended and the indie wrestling insight begins.
Fortunately, I remembered that I had just finally gotten around to watching “Jackie Brown,” starring Tiny “Zeus” Lister, instead of drinking in downtown P-Town, fearing the concept of making conversation with old high school relations I never had anything in common with.
Sorry Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, but only Peoria, Illinois, can claim to be the one and only P-Town. It was Kurt Angle who noted on the April 23, 2002 taping of “Smackdown” that the city’s name sounds like a urinary (a pee) infection. Since a Yinzer made the argument, my hometown claim shant be disputed.
Why Haven’t We Gotten the Next Tiny Lister?
I know, there will be a lot of people who probably say the first time they remember seeing Lister as a pivotal character was in “Friday” portraying the antagonist, Deebo. And I’m certain they’re lying. Lister had many supporting roles, but did he ever get a poster until NHB? You couldn’t ignore the coverage wrestling (cable’s powerhouse programming until people started paying $16.95 for HBO) gave him. He may have never been on “Saturday Night Live,” but he was on “Saturday’s Nights Main Event.” Good or bad, NHB did a lot for his career in entertainment. This man is the absolute go to when a director needs an intimidating black heavy or planetary president (regardless of color), all because he was in a WWE Films’ release.
Why hasn’t another star been born from this movie company? It’s because these films only focus on improving the stock of WWE’s established superstars. Granted, that’s a better strategy than the one used by “Body Slam” and “Ready to Rumble,” but we already know what we like to see these performers in. This may have been the downfall of “No Holds Barred,” and keep in mind, Dwayne Johnson's Hollywood journey started with a supporting role in an established movie franchise. For a WWE film, starring a WWE talent, to possibly be good, we cannot think of the star as a wrestler. But this doesn’t mean a star can’t be born from a bad film. Zeus is the evidence of that.
Yes, I used Zeus without quotes instead of Lister. This is because the movie didn’t put him over as an actor. It could be said that he was already an established thespian, but NHB made him an instant wrestling sensation. The time on top didn’t go beyond a year, but he did it with perhaps never taking an actual flat-back. I’m glad neither the DVD or Blu-ray release has any type of alternate commentary. I won’t have to research the bump-taking history of Zeus, at least not by watching the film again.
Is “Sami Zayn: The Movie” going to immediately sell him to the 3.5 million people who seem to resist buying the WWE Network (why else would they only advertise on two TV shows?)? The answer is no. I think “El Generico’s Main Event of the Dead might do it (there are still some rewrites to make, so I’m open to an overhaul if needed [Please send promotion suggestions to russthebus07@gmail.com]), but that’s neither here nor there. If Zayn was leading a group of survivors against Jacob Goodnight in "See No Evil 3,” he may become a hit in the ring and the DVD shelves. I don’t have Photoshop at my weekend job, so I can’t come up with a “A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors” knock off poster.
So my question is, why isn’t Alexander Rusev and Lana the villains in “Marine 4: Moving Target?” Maybe it’s because we’d be rooting for them instead of The Miz (they should have cast Mizdow). I’d suggest Antonio Cesaro as the villain, but if Damien Sandow is the protagonist, the audience would be at a stalemate.
What WWE Films needs to do is place stars against stars to get the most out of what they’re doing. If Robert Patrick wasn’t the fucking Terminator, he could have used a heavy like Mr. Kennedy…Kennedy. Now that Aidan Gillen has established himself as Littlefinger, we should expect him to have fellow Irishmen and star of “The Escapist,”, Sheamus, to stand between him and Cena. Or WWE Films could have just cast Edge in either antagonist role, but I like there to be a Brell/Zeus dynamic.
You are making films for wrestling fans. Why limit them to one wrestler per flick? Imagine “The Condemned” with eight WWE stars and Vinnie Jones. Would that have meant you’d have to actually take CM Punk off the road? Like Randy Orton could carry a flick (let alone a match) on his own.
With that said, I should have made this a video blog and figured out a way to take a face bump to close it. I could see about having my cat or two-year old nephew tripping me. Just so I could be featured on an “Out of Nowhere” vine for the last comment.
All American Wrestling: One Twisted Christmas (Berwyn, IL, 12/27/14)
Note to the Wrestling Compadres, maybe you should put the Booker T call on at the end of the podcast. The calls are amusing, but I listen for wrestling on the grander stages, not for talk about a promotion in Houston. People who visit my page are there for my current efforts to draw attention to the concept of a pro-wrestling zombie comedy screenplay, “Main Event of the Dead (treatments available upon request, e-mail russthebus07@gmail.com),” through reminding them the importance of the what was the best know pro-wrestling film for nearly 20 years (where’s “Ready to Rumble’s” Blu-ray?). When #RAW and #Dookie are used, they aren’t coming for a critique of a Chicago wrestling promotion.
This may mean I just need a Roku box because I think that’s the way the territories may be revived. AAW has a show on MaddyGTV via that streaming service, I imagine more promotions will follow suit. I’ve only one HD TV, and all my inputs are spent. Why isn’t wrestling showing love to Chromecast…and Wii U?
Since I don’t have a Roku box, I don’t know how AAW episodes are aired. They maybe shown on YouTube, so I might not have an excuse to for my ignorance (or to not be caught up on Reality of Wrestling), but there’s a good chance that some of these matches will be aired.
Like the time limit draw between Matt Cage and Louis Lyndon. These two are likely the future of the promotion with the ankle injury to Shane Hollister and that Eddie Kingston primarily works in the Northeast. The two wrestled a match that became cliche. It was the classic working too hard to protect each other’s reputation, so after a series of high spots near the time limit, they just went to the mat in a weak display of rapid punching.
So the “Main Event of the Dead” match of the weak is Rick Rude versus Jake Roberts from “Wrestlemania IV.” It ends with Rude getting a cheap take down and cover with feet in the ropes. Rude looks smart and Roberts looks strong as the 15 minute time limit expires.
A time limit draw in a pick 'em match cannot be on early in the card. We know each has too much to lose in a fall. If you’re going to a draw, you can’t do it with a spot where you look alike. If not the Rude/Roberts spot, then switch finishing move near misses. The moment they started punching like Brit aristocrats, I knew the bell was going to ring.
After this match, we found that Hideo Itami (for an authentic feel, maybe ring announcers should announce him as Itami Hideo…watch some Lenni Hardt tapes) cannot reclaim the “Go To Sleep” as Colt Cabana has added it to his repertoire. He also did it from the opposite side to accommodate the hated handicapped Gregory Iron. If there is anything to complain about was the limited abilities of their costars. Dick Justice is fun, but he’s just goofy that gets over. Same for the former Moondog Bernard (and since he was on the main card, and I know I can out perform him, a Scoop Stevens comeback has moved up a few seats in the back of my brain). It doesn’t really impact the match, and aside from the cost for Cabana, you probably need inexpensive talent that gets over. Especially since it isn’t hard to replace.
As the night went on, so did “NEW DAY!” chants for the black wrestlers on the card. ACH did a great job just going with it in his match with Christian Faith. Faith (coincidentally) just doesn’t work for me. He moves a little slow before using his exceptional athletic ability to get himself over as a Kane knock off.
If I recall correctly, that match followed Uhaa Nation versus Dave Richards. This was a great strong-style match, and I think the crowd forgave Richards for mispronouncing Illinois (the S is silent, but it isn’t exactly pronounced how the French intended us to). The match should have main evented, but neither of these two are definitely AAW guys, and if I heard correctly, Davey needed to get to work in St. Louis at 6 a.m. Not exactly a ringing endorsement for the number two wrestling promotion and how they look after the guys who got praise for stepping up where Edge and Christian couldn’t last year.
Heidi Lovelace impresses again (and sells well enough to face John Cena in Santa Clara…if she wasn’t heading to Japan). Along side Matt Cage and Shane Hollister, Lovelace might have had the best cruiserweight performance of AAW performers. Yes, she was facing Chris Sabin, but the two knew how to tell the right story.
I know it’s not a popular stance, but the future of women’s wrestling maybe intergender competition. It’s the only way to let them get over as talent instead of eye-candy, unless it’s a women’s promotion, and again, the emphasis has to be on wrestling over eye-candy. You could say too much of this kind of match will water it down. I respond with nothing can water down great story telling.
One Twisted Chrismas was awesome because it had two main event quality matches, a great X-Mas theme fans bring the weapons match (if only they played “Christmas in Hollis” over it for more of a New Jack feel), and a solid undercard. Solid undercard matches throughout, including the main event, Eddie Kingston and Jimmy Jacobs versus Ethan Page and Josh Alexander.
It may have been the main event the fans wanted. The show was running long, so the chants were probably being thrown out by the crowd so that they would know they were still awake. Unfortunately the “NEW DAY!” chants continued, and the black talent wasn’t in the main event. Carrying over into the main event may mean that this chant may get over as the new yes, so perhaps Kofi Kingston will finally get his world title.
Kayfabe is dead on the indies, so I don’t feel bad about my TNA commentary. The problem is the chants denounce kayfabe as well. Since Jacobs was recently a Rosebud, the crowd took a break from “NEW DAY!” to do the Adam Roses “da da da da da…da da da da.” And like a true professional, Jacobs played to them. This didn’t take away from a headlining match that was suppose to build heat for Kingston’s next title defense against Alexander. It was the pre-planned comedy spot.
This spot played to the promo that led to the tag match. To challenge Kingston, Page and Alexander awaken Jacobs from a nap to find the champ. A confrontation ensued, Kingston joined the fray and the spirit of Teddy Long ruled the day.
In the first five minutes of the match, Page puts Jacobs down with a sleeper, but does not have the referee check Jacobs consciousness. Instead, Jacobs curls up in the center of the ring, Page lays with him until it disturbs him. To comfort his opponent, Page grabs Jacobs coat to serve as a blanket. As he adjust the sheets, a cranky Zombie Princess awakens. Then the Rosebud chants followed. And the main event feel was lost for me, no matter how snug (irony) the rest of the match looked.
I suppose that’s what happens when your main event isn’t an announced match. The upside, we know whats at stake January 23 and what to look forward to. If the undercard stays solid, and we don’t have another time limit draw, thinks should be better. Everything is culminating for the bigger venue, Bourbon Street in Marionette Park, IL.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Philadelphia’s Underappreciated Championship: Disgruntled Real World Champ - Part 2

I suppose I should be thankful for the downtime of a Monday (and strangely a Friday). With a youth soccer tourney coming in next weekend, it is best to make use of my moments of sanity (especially after the kids from the Bar Mitzvah were discouraging my limited Yidish go to expletive phrases). Writing a new blog with this time is better than reloading the stats page to see if I got any views for the previous volume.
Tomorrow maybe a good time to watch the AAW matches to construct the opening scene to the pilot I am trying to write. Then again, its my one day off from making somebody else serious cash. Considering my stance that I am pro-wrestling’s premier Cubs fan, it may be best that I head up to Wrigley. Of course, as long a CM Punk is holding out on Colt Cabana, I doubt anyone would allow him to take that claim from me.
A writer has got to write, and piss people off in the Internet age, so again, do it when you get the chance and imagine the wage is going towards that.
This “Real World Champ” series may not be worth much if I do not get any discussion about it. Thankfully, I got a few likes on Twitter and amused the newest mark at my retail job. Otherwise the lack of discussion is not getting to me. Until I hear people tell me that Shane Douglas was not more important than the Ultimate Warrior, I will let my fingers march on about this topic with the knowledge that I am right.
When I left off the last blog, I stated that Shane Douglas had elevated the ECW World Heavyweight Championship to the most important belt of gold in professional wrestling. Some of you may agree with the circumstances for the claim to the title, but not for the length of his reign. I believe he did not have a title defense between May 3, 1998 and his loss of the title to Taz on January 10, 1999. I believe the self-professed critic KB from KB’s Wrestling Reviewswould agree with this (but his review of ECW Wrestlepalooza ‘98shows he may not have an understanding of context).
If we cut the reign off on May 3, your championship options would be Steve Austin (whose reign would end in a swap with Kane, to be followed up with a vacating of the WWF Championship), Hollywood Hogan (who would lose WCW’s Big Gold Belt to Goldberg, whom most marks would disqualify because of his limitations) and the NWA’s Dan Severn (if it is not being seen, is it happening?). I do not see any of these reigns as qualifying for the Real World Championship.
A way to recognize the importance of the so called Attitude Era would be to give the REAL title to Austin, who will lose it to Hogan. The hiccup in Austin’s reign makes it so you cannot put the belt back on him, so you give it to Goldberg, but he would lose it to Kevin Nash who would lose it back to Hogan via the finger poke of doom. The Rock could not take the title from Goldberg since his WWF title win was a sham, so Mankind could not with the REAL title from Nash.
Five hall of famers, but no great reigns. But through all this talk, the importance of Austin’s game-changing title win can be recognized if we include the most extreme American version of the World Heavyweight Championship.

No Holds Barred: Mr. America vs Roman The Shockmaster

The original title of this blog was suppose to be “Why Mr. America Should Have Starred in No Holds Barred.” It wasn’t my wittiest blog title, but it allowed me to jump right into the subject matter instead of transitioning from a rant about how the readers need to demand local promotions (from Minneapolis/St. Paul to Paducah, from St. Louis (Illinois Side to Cleveland) to start booking me because that’s the only thing which will motivate me to hit the gym and get into better shape.
I’ve never liked salad, and I’m not going to start. There have to be better vegetable options that aren’t starchy. If it can be freeze-dried, it isn’t that good for you. Perhaps I am too self conscious. No one should judge me for throwing a tray of Annie Chun Seafood Snacks over half my plate to balance it. After 12-years around the wrestling business, I’ve observed initials are never bad, thus MSG has to be good.
Sorry for the minimal rant, but it could have been a lot worse, like three story-line terminations bad. Eric Rowan isn’t established enough to be taken off TV and now Ryback’s push won’t end with him doing the favor for Alexander Rusev.
With an inability to know who to protect and who to direct towards Japan to understand true strong-style, it’s no wonder that they cannot build there next superstar. Maybe it’s because they’re out to create the next super hero for the kids. Why else would they keep Roman Reigns in a SWAT team outfit instead of wrestling gear? If John Cena cannot be sold to the yuppie guppies in tights, why make their other guys wear them? And why must WWE make it apparent that Dean Ambrose has peaked? Did Vince McMahon want to tease the IWC by not letting him return to Lycra?
If Daniel Bryan wasn’t childlike compared to the present and future franchises, would the under TV-14 have gotten behind the “Yes” movement? Of course, I maybe discounting the beard.
So why am I suggesting that Hulk Hogan have dawned the pseudo-Steve Rogers cowl if the last thing we need is a Super Hero? Because full-blown heroes are over. And could you have imagined the pop the Hulkster could have gotten with that gimmick if he had already established it?
And “No Holds Barred” could have gotten the PG if you had a masked crusader who wasn’t as brooding as Michael Keaton was in 1989. You might still need to cut the attempted rape scene, or not, because limiting them to attempted rapes are what super heroes do. And I’d suggest cutting the visual of dookie from the limo driver. Then again, CM Punk craps himself on Smackdown, and the show still got the TV-PG.
You can argue that Marvel would have brought up a lawsuit then, but I thing they would have appreciated “No Holds Barred” taking the attention away from their wretched, soon to be released, “Captain America” film. Hell, they would have probably wrote him in as a heavy for Red Skull for the first Chris Evans flick..
“Captain America 90:” a film which I need to watch because the disdain cannot be as great as legend claims. “Cyborg” wasn’t as bad as everyone claimed and every wrestling fan (with Netflix streaming) should see “Heatseeker” from the same director, Albert Pyun. I call dibs on penning the remake of that classic, provided the success of my pro-wrestling zom-com, “Main Event of the Dead” (e-mail russthebus07@gmail.com for ideas on how to promote the project or for screenplay treatments [so you’ll know what you’ll be promoting]).
A problem with “No Holds Barred” is that Hulk Hogan is playing Hulk Hogan. There is no disconnect between him and his character. If anything, the Uber-Brother has been neutered. Which may explain why Joan Severance couldn’t seduce him in the script. If Hogan had played a super hero, it would allow his in ring character to have range that Rip did not. I’m not up for an argument about Hogan’s range as a performer, so “Main Event of the Dead” inquiries only when it comes to the above e-mail.
What can be argued is that the two biggest wrestling draws not named Steve Austin (or The Rock, but I consider him more of an entertainment [not sports] entity), Cena and Hogan, are super heroes. Cena is disadvantaged because of memegene.net, but the Carlito angle and not becoming evil in his recent “Night of Champions” bout doesn’t help his claims of mortality. Regardless, if these heroes are on top, why haven’t the WWE tried one that would have a lot more merch to sell.
The worst thing that happened to The Hurricane was that he beat The Rock on his first try. That may have just been poor timing. If Rey Mysterio was 6 feet tall (and healthy…and white), who would he need to put over? If only the Kane character wasn’t a demon.
Two of the three best known Japanese wrestler who came after Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba made it there with hoods, Jushin Liger and Tiger Mask. The third was The Great Muta, but paint is almost the same as a mask (at least on “WCW vs. nWo World Tour”). I suppose I can wiki Liger to find out the history behind the gimmick, but I don’t have to do that with Tiger Mask. TM was a super hero cartoon.
I’m certain two of the three worked on top in Japan (no question about Muta) because of the masked hero gimmick. They are totally unrelatable as people, but most heroes are. New York City didn’t care about who was under Spidey’s mask (they should since he didn’t do the favor for Bonesaw…three minutes then go home). This may be why there were haters for “Man of Steel.” Zack Snyder’s “Watchmen” dealt with characters after their fall from grace, so no hatred should be directed to that film (especially when “Dawn of the Dead” and “Sucker Punch” are far more deserving of such).
A super hero may not have the length on top as a super star (thanks Ultimate Warrior, I wonder how much “The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior” is going for on eBay…$20 used). But, like Tiger Mask and his rival Black Tiger, the gimmicks will outlive the perceived usefulness of WWE midcarders.
If Mr. America was passed on to Jack Swagger, we could at least could justify why he is employed. Imagine the controversy if it got passed on to R-Truth.
I guess if the WWE is afraid to try new things on TV, why not use their films (NXT seems to be fine)? At least that way, if the Network doesn’t pick up, they can at least have a character library to sell to Disney. They could use wrestling at MGM Studios again.
I know everyone who reads this now wants to see Drax versus Fett versus Ambrose with Jack Sparrow as the referee. This bout also features the ideal role for Roman Reigns. Just don’t trip and lose your helmet. Ole Anderson can provide the voice.
We’ll try to get Johnny Depp to reprise his iconic Keith Richards’s impersonation, but if that doesn’t work, keep Adam Rose under contract.

No Holds Barred: Vince McMahon’s Mein Kampf

The title and content of this blog is satirical. I do not believe there is any evidence to suggest that the McMahon family or WWE Inc. (wh...